Apart from manga and anime, one of Bee's favourite books was Lemony Snicket's 'Unfortunate Events' series. We also watched the film together and one of the scenes I remember the most was when the orphans held each other inside a tent that they called Sanctuary and Lemony's voice narrating: "Sanctuary is a word which here means a small safe place in a troubling world. Like an oasis in a vast desert or an island in a stormy sea". We all have that little corner of peace somewhere and sometimes in our life, dont we?
I believe the painting that Bee called 'Rooftop" below was one of her sanctuaries. The nostalgia can be felt in colours and textures of her painting, in the words she wrote. I feel it too as those were the peaceful and happy days for all of us before the 'earthquake' happened. Little did I know how devastating it would be. 2 years aftermath I am here in the ruins covered by dust and trying to pick up pieces. While joy or happiness are something hardly to be seen I am trying to find my sanctuary. Sanctuary to me now is the quiet time away from holiday frenzy and noisy outside world and just sit with my grief. Sanctuary to me now is a little garden corner where I can smell flowers and watch little bees visiting the Bee's sanctuary. Sitting here I can feel how Bee felt about her sanctuary at the roof top back in Hanoi. I can imagine how Bee was missing that place. I miss her so much and our time together, my lost sanctuary...