Grief quotes

If we say the grief journey is like a walk through the valley of darkness, the grief quotes are like little dots of light on that journey which were shone by the people who went ahead of us to help us navigate the way or bring us some hopes.

We all have those kind of quotes written down somewhere in our grief journal, or we remember them by heart. There are quotes that we find relatable in the beginning but later on they just fade away. There are also quotes that gave us 'aha' moments right away, there are some we couldn't get the meaning until later when we are down on the road,...

I have a collection of grief quotes which also are the themes of the cremation jewelry items that I created for the collection "I carry you with me".

What about you? Can you share your favourite grief quote with us in the Comment section below? We can learn from each other and lean in each other to walk through this valley of darkness together....

Thank you and sending you much love,

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